Explore Recyclable Packaging with KDW

May 28, 2024

What is Recyclable Packaging?

In today’s world where protecting the environment is so important, using recycled packaging is key.

Recyclable packaging means the containers can be used again in a new way after the first time, instead of being thrown in the trash. This helps reduce waste and saves natural resources.

Recyclable packages are made from things that can be collected, separated, and made into new raw materials.

Common recyclable packaging materials include paper, cardboard, some plastics, glass, and metals.

Recyclable Packaging Materials

Recyclable packaging aims to reduce waste, preserve resources, and minimize the environmental impact by ensuring that packaging can re-enter the production cycle rather than end up filling up dumping places.

When packaging is recyclable, it means fewer new raw materials need to be taken from nature to make new packaging each time, and less ends up clogging our landfills.

The Importance of Recyclable Packaging

Recyclable packaging plays an important role and significance in today’s world where environmental pollution is severe and resources and energy are scarce.

  • Environmental protection:
    Recyclable packaging can effectively reduce the damage of packaging materials to the environment.

    Non-recyclable waste packaging will pollute land, water, and air, and produce a very negative impact on wildlife and ecosystems.

    By using recyclable packaging, we can greatly reduce the amount of waste that ultimately enters landfills and oceans, and jointly protect our green planet.
    ocean pollution

  • Resource Saving:
    The natural resources on earth such as timber, water, and minerals are limited.

    Recyclable packaging helps reduce the demand for raw materials by allowing materials to be reprocessed and reused. This protects these resources and helps conserve them.

    Such conservation is critically important for maintaining ecological balance and ensuring resources remain available for future use as the earth’s resources are finite.

    Recyclable packaging thus plays a vital role in sustainable development by lowering the consumption of virgin materials.

  • Energy Efficiency:
    Recycling generally requires less energy compared to producing new materials from scratch.

    For example, recycling plastic bags can save 40-70% of the energy needed to produce new plastic bags from raw materials.

    This energy efficiency translates to lower greenhouse gas emissions, helping to address climate change. By reducing the need for virgin production, recyclable packaging plays an active role in mitigating climate impacts.

    The embodied energy of recycled materials is typically much less than that of virgin resources. Thus, greater recycling can significantly reduce industrial energy usage and the associated environmental costs of energy production.

Recyclable Packaging Materials

Recycling packaging materials are those that can be collected, processed, and reused to create new products. Common recyclable packaging materials include:

1, Glass

Glass bottles and jars are a product with high recycling and recycling value. Since the quality of glass materials will not be damaged by repeated recycling, the recycling of glass bottles is very important. They can be melted down and reshaped into new glass containers.

2, Paper Packaging

Paper packaging such as:

  • Cardboard which is used for boxes, cartons, and packaging inserts.
  • Paperboard, similar to cardboard but thinner, paperboard is commonly used for packaging cereal boxes, shoeboxes, and other consumer goods.
  • Paper: includes various types of paper packaging such as bags, envelopes, and wrapping paper.

is a highly recyclable material and can be turned into new paper products. Using paper packaging as the main packaging method can effectively reduce the impact on the environment.

3, Plastic

Certain types of plastic packaging are recyclable, including PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) used for beverage bottles, HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) used for milk jugs, and LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) used for plastic bags.

These plastics can be melted down and formed into new plastic products.

4, Metal

Metal packaging like aluminum and steel packaging, such as cans and foil, are highly recyclable.

Recycling Packaging Materials

It is important to note that recyclability depends on factors like the local recycling infrastructure, material composition, and demand for recycled materials in the market.

To ensure proper recycling, it is necessary to consult the local recycling programs to understand which materials they can accept and how to prepare items for recycling.

The ability to efficiently recover materials depends on whether the local recycling facilities have adequate sorting and reprocessing capabilities for the components used.

Open communication with local waste authorities is important to determine the true recyclability potential of packaging designs based on the current recovery systems in place.

Recycle Sustainable at KDW

In Kinderway’s corporate culture, a strong commitment to environmental protection and benefiting society is a crucial component.

Based on the life cycle of products, we develop key contributing indicators for sustainable development to improve economic efficiency, uphold social responsibility, and contribute to environmental protection.

Life Cycle of Products

1, Energy Efficiency

  • Through the central gas station, the central heating station is designed to reduce energy consumption.
  • Improve the printing and lamination dry efficiency by frequent air control systems.
  • Improve the curing efficiency of the product and reduce the labor intensity by using an automated curing room.
    Aging Room
  • Improve production efficiency and reduce labor intensity by unwinding the lifting platform.
  • Install Solar Panels automatic power generation system that helps KDW reduce energy costs by generating electricity from a renewable source.
    Solar Panles

2, Reduce Waste

  • Reduce process waste through full-screen automatic monitoring.
    Full-screen Automatic Monitoring

3, Environmental Protection

  • Reduce pollution to the atmosphere and harm to humans by using benzene-free ketone-free inks through VOCs governance recycling system.

Recycle Packaging at KDW

At Kinderway, we prioritize sustainability by offering our own range of recyclable packaging solutions, which include mono-material recycled plastic packaging, packaging made from recycled materials, and biodegradable packaging options.
Sustainable packaging 4

1, Recyclable Food Packaging

In food packaging, plastic bags have become widely used due to their advantages of being lightweight, cost-effective, durable, and waterproof. They are commonly used for snacks, frozen foods, bread, vegetables, and fruits.

According to market research data, plastic packaging materials occupy a significant share of the food packaging market, approximately 40%-50%. With the increasing demand for food safety, convenience, and preservation, the use of plastic bags continues to grow.

Can plastic food packaging be recycled?

Absolutely, the plastic packaging recycling is available. The use of recyclable flexible packaging in food packaging is also on the rise.

However, recyclable packaging bags have limitations in terms of barrier properties compared to multi-layer composite bags with aluminum foil.

Therefore, recycled plastic food packaging is currently more commonly used for snacks, frozen food, and sauce.

Recyclable Food Packaging

2, Recycle Coffee Bags

More and more manufacturers are opting for recyclable packaging bags for coffee.

The mono-material recyclable PE coffee bag, including components such as the air vent valve and tin tie, is made from PE materials.

This allows the entire bag to be recycled together without the need for additional separation, greatly facilitating the recycling process.

Traditional coffee bags typically use aluminum foil to provide high barrier properties.

Recyclable coffee bags, however, can incorporate EVOH to enhance the barrier properties of PE, effectively achieving oxygen resistance.

This approach balances the need for product preservation with environmental sustainability.

Recyclable Coffee Bags

3, Recyclable Pet Food Packaging

Recyclable pet packaging is a significant application within the realm of recyclable packaging bags. Pet packaging holds an important position in the overall packaging market.

With the growing number of pets and the increasing attention pet owners are giving to their pets, the demand for high-quality pet products is rising, leading to a gradual expansion of the pet market. Consequently, the demand for pet packaging is also on the rise.

Investment in high-quality and environmentally friendly packaging has further promoted the development of this sector.

As environmental awareness increases, more and more pet packaging utilizes recyclable and degradable materials. This approach not only meets consumer needs but also aligns with the global trend towards sustainable development.

Recyclable Pet Food Packaging

4, Recyclable Refill Pouches

In the market, liquid products such as laundry detergent and hand sanitizer are predominantly packaged in plastic bottles.

However, the carbon footprint associated with plastic bottles is considerably higher compared to plastic bags. Hence, the concept of refilled plastic bags emerged.

By utilizing plastic bags for liquid packaging, especially for products like laundry detergent, significant reductions in carbon footprint, packaging costs, and transportation costs can be achieved.

The introduction of recyclable refill pouches also makes a substantial contribution to environmental sustainability.

For instance, the equivalent volume of liquid in 5 conventional 250ml plastic rigid bottles can be replaced by a single 250ml plastic rigid bottle and a 1000ml recyclable plastic refill pouch.

This swap significantly reduces the carbon footprint, with the carbon footprint of five 250ml plastic bottles being three times higher than that of one 250ml plastic bottle and one 1000ml flexible bag.

At Kinderway, we offer KaRen recyclable single-material refill solutions, providing our customers with an environmentally friendly and sustainable packaging option.

Recyclable Refill Pouches

Recyclable packaging is crucial in creating a sustainable future by reducing waste, conserving resources, and minimizing environmental impact.

By embracing recyclable packaging and addressing the associated challenges, society can move towards a more sustainable and circular economy, ensuring that resources are used more efficiently and that environmental impact is minimized.

The collective effort of all stakeholders is essential to fully realize the potential of recyclable packaging in contributing to a greener, more sustainable world.

Start With KDW

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No1, Anbian Rd, Torch High-Tech Zone (XiangAn), Xiamen, Fujian, China